The SMART policy

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Have you ever bothered about each and every task you do? No matter most of the times we do things that we cannot explain about. Now do not ask me for any of such instances cos' each one of us know very well about it. It was during one of my training sessions I heard about a concept called the SMART policy and believe me it works very well for me. It has helped me a lot in keeping the pace of my work and performing it in a more efficient manner.

As a software person I would explain it my way. Project Managers and Team Leaders often keep telling their sub-ordinates about different ways to keep a track of their work. Many of these ways include some automated systems and tools. These do assist them all throught their project development life cycle. But there is a smart way to manage things using the SMART policy. It is an acronym for :

S : Sensible ----> See that everything you do is sensible to the context
M: Measurable-> See to it that the work can be measured
A: Attainable --> Ensure that the work can be accomplished
R: Relevent ---> Check whether the work is relevent to the context
T: Timebound--> Have a track to time

The SMART policy can be generalized to any of your daily activities. I regard it as a powerful tool to manage and control things.

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