It Hurts...

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By Neeraj Shinde
Pune, India

It is the strongest feeling of all the known ones. It's not a mere feeling... but a way of life - for the lucky few who have encountered it. It starts like a cocoon and grows like a caterpillar - needs its own time to blossom and shower its gleeful colors upon you. Needs time to mature and get stronger - day by day! It has a heart of its own. Though it's a feeling by itself, it has feelings of it own. It weeps when you pinch, laughs when you tingle. You may loose it if you neglect. It needs to be nurtured - constantly and continually.

No money can buy it and it cannot be sold. You can hardly find it if you search it. But, it might come to you if you just let it free.

It's not as easy as the world thinks; hence many have lost it, some still seeking it, some have found it - yet trying to understand it, some have understood it and have realized their souls.

Love hurts when you don't care for it. Blessed are those who are embraced by it.

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