Engineering Enigma
By Neeraj Shinde
Pune, India
The recent suicide case of an engineering student in Andheri is a slap on the negligent performance of the Mumbai University. The most common question before any engineering student in Mumbai after completing his semester examination is when are the results going to be declared? The question arises and persists for three months or may be four and even five. This semester system is unfortunately the best example of the negligent functioning of the University. It is hardly 25 days before the commencement of the examination that the results of the previous examination are declared. In such cases it creates chaos in the life of the student if he gets an ATKT (Allowed To Keep Terms). There is also a cent percent chance of the papers clashing with the regular semesters if the student has even one previous ATKT subject. It is difficult to imagine the condition of the student when this happens. The average passing percentage of the recently conducted semester 7 (Electronics Branch) examination of majority of the colleges in Mumbai is less than ten and that depicts the standard of the papers being corrected.
Merely talking about social upliftment will never revolutionise the society. The society's growth depends on the standard of education imparted to the citizens. Declaration of just results on time will definitely boost the morale of engineering students in Mumbai.
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